1. Use of mosquito nets

  In the case of large numbers of mosquitoes, we should take good protective measures to reduce the number of mosquitoes, so as to prevent the baby from being bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquito nets can be used in the room where the baby sleeps. Mosquito nets can generally effectively isolate mosquitoes. When using mosquito nets, first check whether there are mosquitoes in the mosquito nets. If there are no mosquitoes, the baby can sleep safely in it to prevent bad skin symptoms caused by mosquito bites.

  2. Use of Electric Mosquito Lamps

  A large number of mosquitoes usually bite the baby, causing the baby's skin to appear red rash, causing obvious itching. Therefore, electric mosquito lamp can be used at home in peacetime. Electric mosquito lamp can usually kill mosquitoes, which can reduce the number of indoor mosquitoes and prevent babies from being bitten by mosquitoes. Electric mosquito lamps are usually used in damp and cool places to reduce the number of mosquitoes.

  3. Add dew to bath

  In order to prevent the baby from being bitten by mosquitoes, parents need to take reasonable measures. When babies are bathing, they can add dew to the bathing water to prevent mosquito bites. Because mosquitoes are afraid of the scent of flower dew, they are afraid to approach it, which can prevent the baby from suffering from the bite of mosquitoes and the appearance of bad skin symptoms.

  4. Pay attention to indoor hygiene

  When summer comes, pay attention to the hygiene of indoor environment to prevent mosquito breeding. Generally in damp and shady places, it is necessary to spray mosquito killer properly. In addition, pay attention to the sanitation of these places to prevent water accumulation in cool and humid areas, which can prevent mosquito breeding in large quantities.

  5. To kill mosquitoes by killing mosquitoesWhen the hot summer comes, mosquitoes will breed in large numbers and be easily bitten by mosquitoes. Therefore, parents need to take reasonable measures to avoid their babies being bitten by mosquitoes. At this time, you can prepare mosquito killing racket at home, and use mosquito killing racket in dark and humid places. Usually some mosquitoes can be killed, which is also an effective way to prevent mosquitoes from biting babies after breeding. Only when the number of mosquitoes in the room decreases, can they not be easily bitten by mosquitoes and suffer from adverse symptoms.